So i talked with my insurance agent and she explained to me whats going on now. While the company is not going after them personally they have hired a credit collection company to try and get them to pay.
IF they do not pay in this state the owner of the car and her husband will lose his license. while that does not really help us with getting our money back it will make things hard for them to get their vehicles licensed and Rosangel Cabrera if found driving (which she is as we saw her several times) if she is pulled over for outdated license tabs she will show up on the system as causing this accident and if the police do their job she will go to jail where she belongs.
I find this so outrageous these people who proclaim to be christians and loving the lord so much are refusing to pay what they owe. i personally hope that something happens to make them to make them realize their actions. i wish nothing more than what they deserve and karma has a way of making that happen.
sorry for the vent am just so angry about all of this ok back to my normal happy self rants over.
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