i noticed after reading the previous post i didn;t make much sense, so here is the contest. i have decided to ask you all to write to me some encouraging words and to guess when i will get this done. my deadline is oct 22nd now this is what i have to do,,, my crafts and all things contected to them have overgrown my craft room so am going to have to destash big time. tried selling, no one was especially interested in buying yarn from me guess they would rather pick it out themselves i can understand that although why anyone would want to pay full price just to see it for themselves is beyond me but ah well life is life sooooooooo
now here are the rules (yes there is always rules)
you need to post a comment in 50 words or less why you think i can get this done(boy do i need some encouragment) and the 2nd part of it is guess what day i will be done., the closest to the actual date wins the big prize, if i get alot of comments then will be a prize for that too. now back to work for me i am such a slave driver bewahahahahahahahahahahaha
so for all of you who read my blog, give me some help my friends i am lagging and i soooooooo want that new sewing machine hubby promised me if i get this done but oct 22nd . hugs to you all and god bless
You can do it! You can do it because you're strong and determined! I know you can. Look at all the things you have been through and survived! I have all the faith in the world in you.
Besides, you WANT that sewing machine!
You'll be done on Oct 19th!
I know you can do it!
As to the date, I'll guess Oct. 22.
from Fran
thanks kari and fran, i am working hard to get done, boy am i pooped out tonight lol tomorrow rightback to it
HI Vickie:
Ok, I'll put in my two cents.
I say you will be done by Oct. 20th.
Cause I know you want that sewing machine!!!!
I think you'll be done by the 21st. The sewing machine is worth it, and it'll be much easier to craft in an organized space.
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